Turning fog into water with fog collection
Harnessing the power of the wind, sun, and tide to create energy is well-established. But what about fog collection to harvest fresh water? The concept of fog water collection is certainly not new. It is thought harvesting water through weather conditions dates back to early civilisations. But the strain on the world’s water supply is […]
Exploring the Promise and Challenges of Solar Paint
In our relentless pursuit of decreasing our carbon footprint and switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, we have long looked to harness solar energy. Solar energy harvesting is nothing new, solar panels adorn rooftops and litter the landscape around the world and is hailed as an effective energy source. But are we on […]
Preparing for take-off with the new sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
We all know we need to change out travel habits to help deal with greenhouse gas emissions and save the environment. But encouraging a reduction in air travel is a tough sell to a global population now so used to being able to jet around the world for business or pleasure. Which presents a challenge. […]